Commissioned by the Magnum Foundation, and in collaboration with NYU's ITP and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, #ReframeClimate is a 3D virtual reality web experience that recreates the wheat pastings of large-scale documentary photographs by #Dysturb photographers in the streets of Paris. It is a visual intervention for the COP21 Climate Change Campaign in Paris, France. The site launched in December 2015.
Credits: Julia Irwin, photogrammetry asset development/3D modeling/rendering; Rosalie Yu, three.js development and interaction design; Lisa Jamhoury and Supreet Mahanti, site development & text campaign development; special thanks to Laura Juo-Hsin Chen and Jason Sigal
Photographs by: Jonas Bendiksen/Magnum Photos, Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos, and Ed Ou/Getty